After November 24…
(A Contribution to the Discussion)
Recent postings by Angel Gonzalez and Sean Ahern underscore a broader discussion that has gained force in the wake of our successful demonstration in defense of teachers being held in the limbo of the Absence Teacher Reserve this past November 24. After years of givebacks, as the UFT leadership abandons one gain after another while critical voices in the union are marginalized; in the face of a broad offensive to gut public education, which puts children last and ensures that no vendor is left behind, how can we take the readiness to fight that energized everyone on November 24 and go forward.
What gave the mobilization for the ATRs its energy was that it was a united-front action built by union activists which drew in several opposition groups, as well as many unaffiliated teachers – because we all understood the common danger and the need for a powerful response. The slogan, “If you’re not an ATR today, you could be tomorrow” summed it up. That’s why we fought for it to be an official union demonstration – this affects everyone. And that’s why teachers and other school workers turned out in a real teacher rebellion despite the best efforts of the UFT leadership to divert and derail the struggle.
As both Angel and Sean note, the ATR issue is the “tip of the iceberg.” It is the current point of attack of the privatizers and corporate “reformers” who are waging a frontal assault on public education. A few months ago, the issue was “merit pay.” Tomorrow it will be teacher tenure. But it’s important to see the big picture: that beyond the particular attacks, there’s a war going on here, a class war. And if it’s “one-sided class war,” as many have commented, that’s because of the role of the labor bureaucracy in keeping workers in check. It’s not about Randi Weingarten personally.
The united front is a method for common action. It is not the basis for building an on-going opposition to the present Unity Caucus bureaucracy, which is busy selling out what union gains are left. For that, we need leadership based on a class-struggle program, and that is what we need to build now.
Angel links the teachers’ struggle to the current financial/economic crisis, the worst since the Depression of the 1930s. This is quite correct – teachers are under attack while the government is showering $8.5 trillion to save the Wall Street banks. To fight this poses questions of class, power and leadership. Sean's posting emphasizes how the struggle against the corporate education “reformers” is a multi-faceted struggle. His emphasis on the racist hiring policies of the Bloomberg/Klein administration is a key element of what we need to fight.
It's also true that the response to this has been fragmented, with a number of different blogs, caucuses and groupings struggling on issues of class size, ATRs, high-stakes testing, union democracy, police brutality against minority students, etc.
The answer is not to simply amalgamate all the opposition groupings in one big mega-caucus. The result will be mega-confusion. Many colleagues were greatly encouraged by the turnout and militancy of the November 24 demonstration. Those of us involved in organizing it were taken by the power of the response, despite the active sabotage by Unity. Running off endless leaflets, and distributing them all over the boroughs more than paid off, as it touched a chord of struggle among teachers.
A common action is one thing, and there will be others. A common caucus, or coalition or “rank-and-file” movement is something else again. The rule in such coalitions is that the program gets determined by the “lowest common denominator,” where everyone can agree. And that LCD will be simple trade unionism. But simple trade unionism in this period where working people are under attack across the board, where every union gain is being taken away, is impossible. In this period of capitalist decay, reformism is a dead-end: if you are not prepared to fight the system as a whole, you are destined to fail.
Case in point: Michelle Rhee and the
You can’t fight against these attacks within the framework of the capitalist system that created them. That is why the UFT leadership supports the thrust of the so-called educational “reforms” (read: union-busting) while trying to make them marginally more palatable. They are loyal to this system and the politicians who uphold it, from Democrat Eliot Spitzer, who enforced the Taylor Law against the TWU, to Republican billionaire Bloomberg, and now Barack Obama. Obama’s election represents a significant social shift in this country, which was founded on chattel slavery and has been a bastion of racism ever since. But Obama in the Oval Office will rule in the interest of capital, from bombing
We also need to be clear on the nature of the union bureaucracy, which acts as a transmission belt from the bosses to the workers, what Daniel DeLeon called the “labor lieutenants of capital.” Randi Weingarten is carrying out the program of Joel Klein and Mayor Bloomberg, while trying to sugar coat the bitter pill so we’ll swallow it.
It’s necessary as well to understand the role of the government and the state. Both the Puerto Rican teachers in their recent strike and
Program is key. It’s not enough to just oppose Michelle Rhee in D.C. – or Joel Klein as Education Secretary. Those who support Obama will be paralyzed when his education minister comes out for those policies or a soft-core form of them. Weingarten can’t fight them, because she supports the Democratic Party. That’s why she is busy “putting everything on the table,” from charter schools to “merit pay” to teacher tenure. And neither can union oppositionists who join the UFT bureaucrats in supporting Democrats mount a real fight.
Obama is in favor of “performance pay,” doubling money for charter schools, making it easier to fire teachers and reforming rather than abolishing No Child Left Behind. When the UFT/AFT switched its support from Hillary Clinton to Obama, they conveniently “forgot” these facts. Clinton, by the way, has supported “merit pay” since the 1990s when as a lawyer in Little Rock, Arkansas she got a $100,000 contract from one of the main organizations pushing for this.
Likewise, it’s not enough to be for “union democracy.” For example, in opposing Weingarten/Unity’s attempt to gag the opposition in the guise of prohibiting videotaping (which the union has a right to do), some have cited the Landrum-Griffin Act as an authority. This anti-labor law was passed after the Teamsters won the first national Freight Agreement in the mid-’50s, in order to control the labor movement, in the name of defending ... “union democracy.” We want to rip up these labor laws, not stand on them.
What’s next? Taking the union to the bosses’ courts like so many union caucuses have done over the past couple decades. What happens when they win? A new layer of bureaucrats get in, who proceed to sell out struggles because they “owe” the government. Just look at the TWU, and how Roger Toussaint called off the December 2005 strike that shut down the city, and has just signed a no-strike pledge.
These are just a couple of illustrations of why we cannot all “join together” in one big happy opposition family caucus. It will fall apart at the first test. A lot of colleagues have done a lot of good work on class size, on ATRs, on high-stakes testing and other issues. They should continue to do so. It’s necessary to address other issues as well, including immigrants’ rights. There has to be a serious discussion about the history and future of this union, from the “AFL-CIA” “state department socialist” Albert Shanker, to his wannabe imitators of the fourth reincarnation.
I am putting forward the program of the Class Struggle Education Workers, a newly formed group including members of the UFT, PSC and other education workers. The issue of public education today raises every question of racism, class and imperialism. As we fight on every issue of social justice, we need to understand their roots in and to struggle against the capitalist system as a whole. That’s why we call for a class-struggle workers party.
We will be proposing a public forum on the battle over public education, in the hopes of furthering this crucial discussion. In the meantime, I encourage people to read our CSEW leaflet that was distributed at the November 24 demonstration and the CSEW program on our web page:
December 2, 2008
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