In January and February 2011, a number of protests were held at several of the 25 schools slated for closing by the New York Department of Education, as well as a city-wide demonstration against school closings on January 27 and a rally called by the United Federation of Teachers outside the Panel on Educational Policy (PEP) meeting at Brooklyn Technical High School on February 3. The PEP is a puppet body with a large majority (8 out of 13 members) appointed by the mayor. Class Struggle Education Workers participated in these protests as well as speaking at the February 1 PEP meeting to denounce the mayoral dictatorship over the schools and the agenda of corporatization and privatization behind the DOE's wrecking operation against public education.
A short (6 minute) video showing the CSEW's intervention and the massive repudiation of Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his hand-picked schools chancellor Cathleen Black (who has already become notorious for her complete lack of educational experience and her arrogance toward the parents, teachers and students) is posted below.